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Thema: Gdańsk / Danzig / Gdańsk

  1. #1
    Forumbetreiber Avatar von Wolfgang
    Registriert seit

    Standard Gdańsk / Danzig / Gdańsk

    Hello to all of you,

    this is a forum determined to ask questions about the old Danzig. And, of course, about your ancestors from Danzig. Danzig is a very special place. Let's build a Danzig community.

    But, if you should have only questions about the nowadays Gdańsk: please do not hesitate to ask the questions for which you would like to have an answer.

    I'm sure: you'll always find somebody trying to give you an answer - not always in perfect English, but, believe me, you'll understand it.

    With best regards,
    -Admin of the
    Das ist die höchste aller Gaben: Geborgen sein und eine Heimat haben (Carl Lange)
    Zertifizierter Führer im Museum "Deutsches Konzentrationslager Stutthof" in Sztutowo (deutsch/englisch)
    Certyfikowany przewodnik po muzeum "Muzeum Stutthof w Sztutowie - Niemiecki nazistowski obóz koncentracyjny i zagłady"

  2. #2
    Forum-Teilnehmer Avatar von Felicity, Ehrenmitglied +20.5.2024
    Registriert seit
    Im Staat Victoria, in Australien

    Standard AW: Gdańsk / Danzig / Gdańsk

    Dear Wolfgang ! A new generation of Danzig's children is and has grown up. I know two of them and now three. They love their hometown Gdansk just as much as we loved ours, Danzig. You know that I have been back quite a few times and I am so thankful that our 'Stadt am Ostseestrand' has risen, like a phoenix, out of the Fire. Yes, let's build that community, that loves and treasures their home. Liebe Gruesse von der Feli

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